"No one gets into pastoring for the admin."


Dr. Wright and I (Fr. Adam) have donated a combined 300 hours to make the Liturgy Generator available for free, to everyone. But, some people choose to donate. People choose to donate to the Liturgy Generator for two reasons: (1) to defray our on-going costs, and/or (2) to give us funding we need to continue to develop the Liturgy Generator (looking at you, Red-Letter Days!).

In the spirit of transparency, here’s what our upkeep costs look like:

  • We’ve bought the domain for LiturgyGenerator.com through Bluehost. It costs us $2.95/month.

  • We use WordPress for the website, which costs us $3.95/month.

  • We use GSuite for storing templates and generated liturgies. It costs us $12.60/month.

  • That puts our total cost, not counting our own time, at about $20.00/month.

It’s not a lot. We’ve made every effort to keep costs low. But, it is a cost. If you’re in a financial situation that you can donate towards those costs, we’d appreciate it!